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  • 2023年8月30日
  • By 莱昂黄 高级体育总监,媒体, & SAP的娱乐活动
  • 博客



今年夏天的一个晚上,我亲眼目睹了琼·泰特(Joan Tait)的生活走向瓦解. 我看着她失去了她的未婚夫和她的工作, 在教堂里做了令人发指的事, 被逮捕,后来被定罪, 都是因为, 正如琼的律师所描述的那样, “一些先进, 深度伪造量子计算机的繁文缛节.”

All this I witnessed from my couch, with a beverage and some snacks, viewing an episode of the 网飞公司 科幻秀 黑镜子 叫做“琼很糟糕”.” Joan isn’t a real person but rather the main character — and one of the chief victims — in a disturbing portrayal of a too-close-for-comfort near future where the power of artificial intelligence, 被邪恶的人操控, 反社会的老板,一家看似无所不知的媒体公司叫 Streamberry,毫不费力、毫无良心地毁掉生命.

I’d wanted to watch “Joan is Awful” in large part because I’d heard it confronts issues that have lately taken on great urgency, 不只是在我的生意上, 哪个是数字技术和媒体+娱乐的交汇点, 而是在人工智能涉及的所有行业和组织中, 现在哪个是最重要的.

黑镜子我知道,这可能会引起争议. 看完这集之后, 我确实被激怒了, 或者至少是有动力的, to engage in the dialogue about the ethical considerations surrounding AI in the media + entertainment business of which I’m part. I’d watched “Joan is Awful” against the backdrop of two labor disputes, one involving the 美国作家协会 (WGA)和其他 SAG-AFTRA (美国电视和广播艺术家联合会). 在我写这篇文章的时候, both unions are striking as they demand new guidelines and assurances from their employers around, 在其他问题中, 人工智能在一系列影响内容制作方式的应用程序中的使用, 如何在内容中使用肖像, and how compensation should work when companies use AI-generated likenesses instead of the real thing.

生成式人工智能可以深刻改变媒体+娱乐行业, 尽管《百家乐app下载》是一部虚构的作品, the potentialities it suggests underscore the urgent need for stakeholders across our industry to collaboratively develop a set of ethical standards to govern how it’s applied. 如果人工智能本身没有道德意识, then it’s up to the entities and people behind that technology to ensure it is ethically applied in all instances. Without widely accepted and enforceable checks and balances that define the rules of engagement, 就人工智能的结果而言,什么是可以接受的,什么是不可接受的, 我们很有可能会失去对这项技术的控制.

The high-profile strikes by the writers and screen actors unions have brought more mainstream scrutiny to the industry’s AI ethics debate, which is being driven by the likes of the Joint Task Force for Artificial Intelligence in Media, 由…组成的团体 娱乐科技中心 (ETC)在南加州大学和 电影电视工程师协会 这使得道德成为一个高度优先的问题. 虽然我不想假装自己是道德专家, I can at least draw from my perspective at the confluence of technology and the business of media + entertainment to frame the issues and questions involved in creating a common, 一套全行业的人工智能标准.

首先,让我们讨论一下什么是利害攸关的. AI has the potential to profoundly change the entire media + entertainment value chain in ways we have yet to fully realize. 它伴随着成本和风险, 包括道德风险, 我们还没有完全理解, 但无论如何必须立即解决. 在一个坏演员手里, generative AI could presumably be used in dangerous and damaging ways to intrude on privacy, 取代人类, 践踏他们的权利和谋生的能力. But it also could be used as a positive and productive force across the value chain, furthering and supporting the human creative process and helping people work more efficiently. Ethical standards would help to reinforce the positive while preventing the negative. The outsized role media + entertainment play as a cultural and societal trendsetter, 镜子, and bellwether also means the industry has an obligation to the public and itself to define and uphold certain ethical standards.

这些道德标准会是什么样子呢? 我会让比我更有资格的人来决定, one thing they should be is industry-specific to explicitly address the potentialities related to AI’s application in production, 后期制作, 市场营销, 分布, 及以后, 一直到直接面向消费者的流媒体服务. 它们应该包括数据治理规则. They should establish clear 权利 in order to avoid situations that even remotely resemble the privacy and likeness violations that victimize characters in “Joan is Awful.”

AI ethical standards also should require transparency in the 模型 and data used in specific AI applications. 在节目的某个时刻, 玛丽亚Javadi, 这家媒体公司把琼的生活带给了大众, 他说,该公司“几乎不知道(量子计算机驱动的人工智能)是如何工作的”.为了建立信任, everything about the AI algorithm and how it works needs to be clear and explainable.

不管这些道德标准最终会变成什么样子, 它们应该在隐私方面表达一套全行业的价值观, 权利, 并详细介绍了数据的定期审计系统, 模型, 和系统. They should be revisited often and updated to keep pace with AI technology development.

随着技术的飞速发展, 现在是媒体+娱乐利益相关者参与整个发展的时候了, 技术, 市场营销, and talent sides of the industry to come to the table to collaboratively develop AI ethical standards. 要想取得成功,这一努力必须涉及整个价值链. Getting them all to agree on an effective, enforceable set of standards won’t be easy. 至于谁来执行这些标准, there likely will need to be some type of independent agency to govern the standards themselves, 并监督报告, 审计, 合规, 和执行.

黑镜子 episode, the “real” Joan isn’t nearly the awful person the AI version of her is portrayed as being. Likewise, AI technology needn’t turn out to be the sinister tool that it becomes in the show. Now it’s up to stakeholders across the media + entertainment industry to take action to ensure AI is applied without doing harm, and that it becomes a sustainably positive force across the value chain rather than a tool people seek to destroy, 就像琼那样, 因为它使邪恶成为可能.

里昂·黄是体育、媒体和娱乐的高级主管 SAP,并举办过各种促销活动 & 市场营销 positions at Electronic Arts and 新闻 Corp (STAR TV) prior to joining SAP.

[编者注:这是一篇来自SAP的文章. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

引领媒体人工智能的未来 & 娱乐:自我破坏或自我毁灭?

Media and entertainment companies of all sizes struggle to attract and retain audiences eager to find and consume content that interests them. Because content is abundant with too many options to navigate and pay for—and switching costs are low—profitability has eluded many providers. 媒体和娱乐公司该如何应对? 许多公司正转向新的盟友:人工智能.


生成式人工智能是所有行业的游戏规则改变者, and how to leverage it is a key strategic and 技术 concern for a range of streaming organizations looking to monetize their content and operations. 巴雷特-杰克逊拍卖公司(Barrett-Jackson Auction Company)的达西.J. 我是Mad Leo咨询公司的Leonard, and Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz explore generative AI's current and imminent impact in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.


在某种程度上, 批准《百家乐软件》让网飞公司看起来很奇怪,因为它同情演员罢工, 通过它对一个警告无编剧的节目的眨眼认可, actor-less "profits without people" media and entertainment future from whose realization they stand to benefit.


Cloudinary的Amnon Cohen Tidhar讨论了新的好处, 复杂性, 挑战, 以及生成人工智能的风险.


Cint的Nubyra Ahmed强调了在CTV中使用人工智能的好处, 比如减少欺诈, 更好的受众定位, 增强的AD技术, 和更多的.


Josh Dorward of Cloudinary discusses the ways that AI is helping marketers embrace top video trends.